As the first step of college preparation, you will learn to analyze your ambitions and choose those schools that best fit your personality and your future plans. We teach you the basics of degree options, school specialties, career prospects...and you, will make the decision.
好的升学申请源自于对的选择。 在这堂课里,你将学会分析自己的喜怒哀乐,思考自己的爱好和野心。 我们会教你了解学校、比较学位、分析就业前景。。。而你,将会选择你的命中注定。
Life in America: from SSN to IRS 从SSN到IRS:你所不知的美国生活
This introductory course presents a panorama of life in the United States, focusing on its administrative, academic, financial, cultural aspects. Topics include: course advising and registration, application for a Social Security Number, domestic and international travel, shopping tips, etc.
这堂基础课程从美国生活的方方面面来为你展开你全新的人生旅程。 你会了解和你未来生活息息相关的官方政策,让你成绩永远优等的选课指南,一辈子难忘的欧美旅行攻略,还有便宜划算的美国购物妙招。